Monday, January 25, 2010

stardate Nanny 11

So today was all about dinosaurs. Big surprise. After letting Z play with his dinosaurs for a few minutes, we left to go to the library and get new dinosaur books. We then stopped by the alterations place to drop of DH's pants, but funnily found it closed. (Z thought this was funny). Following that short stop, we went to the grocery store. I bought the wrong Dr. Pepper and bread. Took the soda back to get the right kind, but we had already opened the bread when we realized it was wrong. Z didn't want to eat in the great hall with me, so we had to let him eat and then go. He regaled The Becks with his knowledge of the dinos. After Z's nap and cleaning, we went digging for dinosaur fossils with this dino kit he got. It was a fine day.


-Are you better than me at earning money?
Well, I guess so. Yes.
-Am I better than you at knowing about dinosaurs?
Most definitely.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

stardate nanny 8

Wednesday very little happened. I picked him up from school, got him home, gave him a snack, and then very quickly left for class when Dr. H arrived. One funny little anecdote from the day is that Z asked me why laughing was a good thing. When I told him it was good for the soul, he responded with a series of "why?" questions.

stardate nanny 9

This was a hectic day. I had to pick Z up from school, finally get the rest of his library books that were on hold, pick up the dry cleaning and drop off coats to have buttons replaced. What made it more stressful was the fact that Mr. Dr. H was leaving for D.C and needed his car by 3:30. Fortunately, I got us back in plenty of time.

Z made a bird feeder out of syrup and bird seed. We decided to hang it up on the tree outside his house. No birds so far. We keep waiting.

stardate nanny 10

I had planned to take Z to the zoo or the play ground, but with Dr. H in D.C., I had no vehicle to drive. Mrs. Dr. H has one, but she drives a standard of which I have no clue how to drive. Instead we went to the Mayborn again and had a picnic. We attempted to eat our picnic in Brooks Quad, but failed due to the wind. We ended up eating picnic style in the house. We said we would try again.

After that, I put Z down for a nap and proceeded to clean as much as I could. I cleaned all the bathrooms, did Z's laundry, a load of dishes, vacuumed, dusted.... overall just about as much as one could do during a kid's nap. Z woke up and we put on Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Mrs. Dr. H came home and showed me around her house looking at their art. It was quite neat. I like her a lot.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stardate Nanny 7

Boy, today was hectic. I picked up Zachary from school and then headed to the library. You see, the library card had arrived, and I thought we could pick up the rest of his books. I was wrong. I had not brought with me the envelope the card came in---big mistake apparently. The Waco Library acts like I am running some sort of scam. The four pieces of mail at my address weren't enough proof.

Z and I left disappointed yet again. Oh, well. I dug the envelope out of the trash, and we will try again soon.

I also tried to take their coats to the alterations place, but had to turn back to home before we found it.

You see, Tuesdays are the day of Master's Tea. The downstairs needs to be put together and clean. So we rushed back. I gave Z his snack and cleaned followed by a round of Dino Bingo.

Stardate Nanny 6

Yesterday, as I was too busy to update, was a busy day with Z. I didn't have to arrive until 10 due to the holiday, but that almost ended up hurting me more than helping me. I had to take Z with me to the dry cleaners who claimed there was no dry cleaning to pick up. After talking to both parentals and several minutes later, we determined that maybe the lady was right. So, then Z and I headed to the alterations place which was closed on Mondays. Then, finally an errand went right. Z and I stopped by Lowe's to play "match this old light bulb with a new one from the store." Z did great, though the bottom was gold instead of silver so at first he was unsure if they were really the same.

After all of that, Z and I finally got to go to the Mayborn Museum. Having a kid with me as an excuse to be in the kids section is great! We did most all the rooms for at least a minute. Except for the little girls' tea room. He flat out ignored that one. After getting a quick bite to eat at Penland (which included some wonderful soft serve), we went home. He napped, I cleaned like crazy trying to get everything done and still didn't.

Back to the ice cream. I had sillily thought that a 4 year old could walk and eat ice cream as easily as I. Not true. It slowed our walk down considerably. As a naturally fast walker, it really made me take pause to see the world around me. Instead of being annoyed or frustrated, I enjoyed the break from a fast-paced life.

After his nap, we went outside to play catch with those velcro pads that have been around for what seems like forever now.

While in the car driving around:
-Jenny, you are driving me crazy.
What? Why is that?
-This year you are just driving me crazy with your silliness.
Before nap:
-Jenny, I want to take my nap with my shirt off.
But Zachary, you might get cold.
-But sometimes my daddy sleeps with his shirt off, and I want to sleep like my daddy.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Finding the Library

stardate nanny 5

I decided to venture out with Zachary. The plan was to go to both the Library and the Mayborn Museum. However, as life with a kid (even when he isn't yours) goes, the plan had to change.

First, Zachary didn't want to go out anymore. He decided he wanted to play Dinosaur Bingo. After a round of him calling the dino names, I took my turn. Once I got past that, I convinced him the library would be fun.

In the car on the way:
(Keep in mind he has just been to Chicago to see Sue the Tyrannosaurus Rex)

-How did you learn where the Library is?
My friend told me.
-What's your friend's name?
-But that isn't a good person name.
Well, her mom named her Sue.
-What's her middle name?
I don't know.
-Why would her mom name her Sue though?
Well the dinosaur Sue was named after a person. (not sure if that is accurate).
-Oh, okay.

We then continued to drive around Waco, because even with Sue telling me, I still couldn't find it. And with a kid like Zachary, he knows when you are lost. So, he started playing the "who would win in a battle: Dinosaur X or Dinosaur Y" game. Not as easy as you'd think.

We finally found the library where we learned that you have to have mail to prove your residency in order to get a library card. Fortunately, they held the books for us.

We had lunch in the great hall and then napped. After him trying to sleep by himself and me doing dishes and vacuuming, I went up there to lay with him. This worked as we both slept for an hour.

Afterwards we got mail from my dorm room and headed back to the library where we got to check out our first book together which was about a dinosaur whose name I can neither spell or say correctly.

Zach's dad was late (which he warned me about), so Z read to me these books meant for him to read.


Starting next week I will just be titling my blog's with the stardate :D.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Grocery Shopping

stardate nanny 4

The week is coming to a close, and the little guy and I made a trip to the local HEB. He was tuckered out and slept in the car.

It is amazing how much kids pick up. They know their own little worlds very well. Zachary was very helpful in knowing which brands and how much of everything to get. We do not give kids enough credit.

While looking for my own half&half for my morning coffee, Zachary noticed pink milk. His response was:
-Do you know how long it has been since I've had pink milk?
How long?
-I've never had pink milk in a long time.

And when he saw something new in the store:
-What is that?
That is HEB's milk drink.
-Can we get it?
It's not on the list, Sorry. But maybe your parents will get it.
-But they don't even know it exists.

Also, when we had returned home and were having some goldfish I asked:
What did you learn in school today?
-Nothing. All I learned was that it was January 14th and I already knew that.

These aren't entirely hilarious, but they do make me grin. I love this kid.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Short Day

stardate nanny 3

Wednesdays are my short day. I just pick him up from school at 2:20 and then leave for class at 2:50. But today I also took Zachary to school.

Even only after 3 days, you start to feel slightly a part of their family. A part of their lives.

When I picked up Zachary from school today I asked:
"Are you grumpy today?"
"You look a little grumpy today."
"That wasn't really a question."

Oh, to be a child and just say what you really want to say no matter if it is appropriate or not.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Grumpy Boy

stardate nanny 2

Today is my first TR where I pick him up from school at 2:30 and hang out with him until 4. But since the school didn't know me, Dr. Henry went with me.

When we got there, Zachary was napping, and so was of course very grumpy when he was awoken by his father. At one point Zachary turned around to look at me and just lifted his arms as the universal kid sign of "I want to be picked up and held while I rest on your shoulder." This was the first time Zachary did this to me. Even though he has always liked me, he has never been very "clingy". So, as a female, I was very excited and jumped at the opportunity. The warmth of his love soothed my soul. Unfortunately, his father soon asked me to put him down. Oh, well. I got to have my moment.

He asked if he could watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs again. I of course did not allow this. We instead played hide and seek. I hid on the far side of his parents bed, but that proved to difficult. He told me "You need to hide where I can find you or we won't play anymore." So then I just hid by sitting on the extra bed in the clear open. I was then informed this was too easy, but that since he had found me, it was my turn to count.

We played a couple of Dinosaur Card games. It is basically a deck of cards with 4 copies of each dinosaur that comes with different versions of matching games.

Overall a good day. Zachary did say "Who will be my babysitter after you?" I had no answer, but could feel the sense of fear in change from the question.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day

stardate nanny 1

For my last semester as an Undergraduate, I decided to start nannying a four year old boy named Zachary whom I had babysat quite a bit in the past. His parents, M and D, are my Faculty Masters for the Residential Hall I live in. They hired me on because their previous Nanny, Lauren, had to quit. I couldn't have been more thrilled. I had been working but at a a job that had fewer hours and paid less.

So today was my first full day. It's tricky knowing exactly what to do with just one kid. It's almost easier caring for more children, because activities come more easily.

His love for dinosaurs would astound you. He knows all their names and which period they lived in.

Anyway, from now on this blog will be a collection of any wonderful, funny or noteworthy things that happen during this job.

For instance, today Zachary clung to me while reading aloud a book about Adam and Eve. His only question was "Why did they do the wrong thing?"

Man, that is a hard one to answer with real satisfaction.