Sunday, January 24, 2010

stardate nanny 8

Wednesday very little happened. I picked him up from school, got him home, gave him a snack, and then very quickly left for class when Dr. H arrived. One funny little anecdote from the day is that Z asked me why laughing was a good thing. When I told him it was good for the soul, he responded with a series of "why?" questions.

stardate nanny 9

This was a hectic day. I had to pick Z up from school, finally get the rest of his library books that were on hold, pick up the dry cleaning and drop off coats to have buttons replaced. What made it more stressful was the fact that Mr. Dr. H was leaving for D.C and needed his car by 3:30. Fortunately, I got us back in plenty of time.

Z made a bird feeder out of syrup and bird seed. We decided to hang it up on the tree outside his house. No birds so far. We keep waiting.

stardate nanny 10

I had planned to take Z to the zoo or the play ground, but with Dr. H in D.C., I had no vehicle to drive. Mrs. Dr. H has one, but she drives a standard of which I have no clue how to drive. Instead we went to the Mayborn again and had a picnic. We attempted to eat our picnic in Brooks Quad, but failed due to the wind. We ended up eating picnic style in the house. We said we would try again.

After that, I put Z down for a nap and proceeded to clean as much as I could. I cleaned all the bathrooms, did Z's laundry, a load of dishes, vacuumed, dusted.... overall just about as much as one could do during a kid's nap. Z woke up and we put on Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Mrs. Dr. H came home and showed me around her house looking at their art. It was quite neat. I like her a lot.

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