Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Grumpy Boy

stardate nanny 2

Today is my first TR where I pick him up from school at 2:30 and hang out with him until 4. But since the school didn't know me, Dr. Henry went with me.

When we got there, Zachary was napping, and so was of course very grumpy when he was awoken by his father. At one point Zachary turned around to look at me and just lifted his arms as the universal kid sign of "I want to be picked up and held while I rest on your shoulder." This was the first time Zachary did this to me. Even though he has always liked me, he has never been very "clingy". So, as a female, I was very excited and jumped at the opportunity. The warmth of his love soothed my soul. Unfortunately, his father soon asked me to put him down. Oh, well. I got to have my moment.

He asked if he could watch Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs again. I of course did not allow this. We instead played hide and seek. I hid on the far side of his parents bed, but that proved to difficult. He told me "You need to hide where I can find you or we won't play anymore." So then I just hid by sitting on the extra bed in the clear open. I was then informed this was too easy, but that since he had found me, it was my turn to count.

We played a couple of Dinosaur Card games. It is basically a deck of cards with 4 copies of each dinosaur that comes with different versions of matching games.

Overall a good day. Zachary did say "Who will be my babysitter after you?" I had no answer, but could feel the sense of fear in change from the question.

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